Nutrition, a healthy lifestyle and beautiful skin go hand in hand. Our eating habits, the amount of water we consume every day, but also sleep, exercise and regeneration have an influence on whether we have clear skin. Acne, dry skin, rashes, redness, dark circles and wrinkles are often the result of too much sugar, bad fats, stress, poor sleep and micronutrient deficiencies. But what can you do to get beautiful skin?
The skin – a miracle organ: It fulfills these functions
The skin primarily serves as a chemical and mechanical protective barrier. It protects us with its various skin layers from pathogens, heat, cold, pressure, UV radiation and irritating substances 1 . There are also countless microorganisms and a layer of fat on their surface. This chemical barrier actively supports the defense against pathogens such as viruses, bacteria and fungi. Our body hair also protects the inside.
Furthermore, the skin one of ours Sensory organs : It not only protects us from external contacts such as cold, heat, pressure and pain, but also allows us to consciously perceive them 1 .
In the middle The skin layer , the dermis, contains countless sebaceous glands. They are almost always located on the side of a hair root - except on parts of the body where we have no hair (e.g. genitals and eyelids). These sebaceous glands produce sebum, a mixture of fatty acids and proteins. The sebum is then transported to the outside via the sebum canal to protect the skin as a layer of fat to protect it from drying out, pathogens and other influences.
Nutrition for the skin with acne – sugar and excess sebum
As in many other areas, this topic is also related to Nutrition : Sugar in particular, but also unhealthy fats and all foods that irritate the intestines can do this Skin appearance worsen:
Sugar, but also other carbohydrates and substances that trigger an immune reaction, increase blood sugar levels. This stimulates the storage hormone insulin. If there are frequent blood sugar spikes in which the glucose level rises sharply, excessive insulin release occurs. You can find out more about blood sugar in the article about Blood sugar can be read.
In addition to the signal to the cells for sugar storage, insulin release leads to other metabolic processes: At the same time, the hormone also inhibits the so-called SHBG, which is there to bind free testosterone. If SHBG is inhibited by blood sugar fluctuations, testosterone can no longer be bound and looks for other docking points. In this case it is the sebaceous glands because they have testosterone receptors. Testosterone is like a key that fits several locks and then triggers other processes in different doors. Testosterone then causes a change in the DNA in the sebaceous gland; This gives the cell the command to produce as much sebum as possible. This sebum then clogs the sebum pores and the pore canal. Bacteria are often added and this creates an inflammation with pus, which can then be felt and seen as pimples 2 .
Possible solution for impure skin – the right diet
The right Diet for acne is primarily based on keeping blood sugar stable and also eating anti-inflammatory foods. Specifically this means:
The perfect breakfast : Low in carbohydrates, start the day with good fats, fiber and protein.
At lunch and dinner, focus on good carbohydrates such as rice, potatoes, buckwheat or quinoa and always eat a few bites of vegetables and protein first.
Blood sugar-stabilizing snacks like Eat nuts , olives, beef ham, raw vegetables and berries to avoid blood sugar lows and energy holes.
Intermittent fasting relieves strain on the intestines and can stabilize blood sugar and create hormonal balance.
Good fats such as Omega 3 fatty acids and native Incorporate oils into your diet: Wild-caught fish, walnuts, coconut oil, grass-fed butter, avocado and flaxseed are good sources.
Avoid potential allergens such as gluten, soy and dairy products. An immune reaction also increases the blood sugar level from within and can therefore trigger insulin release.
Avoid hydrogenated fats, trans fats and processed foods such as chips, margarine, processed foods, ice cream and sausages. These can trigger inflammation and inflammation and cell oxidation can also occur Skin aging and acne lead and Skin problems support financially.
Vitamins for the skin
Micronutrients also play an important role in healthy skin: vitamin C, zinc, vitamin E, magnesium, selenium, iron, potassium, silicon, vitamin A, vitamin D and B vitamins directly or indirectly support the skin's appearance. In order to prevent any skin diseases, these vitamins and trace elements should be available to the body in sufficient form. In concrete terms, this means that foods that contain these substances are included in the daily diet Nutrition should occur:
Turmeric, Omega 3 fats, garlic, fermented foods, fennel, ginger, radishes, walnuts, beets, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, bok choy, kale, strawberries, red peppers, carrots, red meat and offal as well as organic eggs contain larger amounts of the above substances. The latter mainly contain many B vitamins. Red peppers and dark berries are rich in vitamin C2 .
Bitter substances in bitter teas, grapefruit and nettle also support the liver, kidneys and bile system in digestion and detoxification.
The be-all and end-all for beautiful skin is an adequate supply of water: 3-4 liters of water daily can counteract dark circles under the eyes but also skin aging. The water supports detoxification and helps the kidneys filter toxins better. In addition, it supplies them Skin and tissue cells with liquid, which then makes you look visually firmer and fresher.
Dry skin – nutrition and skin care
Less is more here: irritated or dry skin in particular should not be treated with too many cosmetic products. Skin health comes primarily from within: Nutrition The motto should be beautiful skin and not as many creams and peelings as possible Skin renewal . Of course, you can now and then use such products to remove old skin cells to stimulate skin renewal a little more, but you shouldn't be too aggressive with it:
Natural cosmetics and products without microplastics or other chemicals that contain natural oils and aloe vera are absorbed into the subcutaneous layer and can therefore protect more than just the surface of the skin. Aloe vera is particularly helpful against dry skin. To do this, you can take the fresh plant and extract its gel. The gel can be used as a cream or mask. The aloe vera gel can be mixed with facial oils that contain vitamin C, vitamin E and vitamin and thus optimally nourishes the skin from the outside 2 .
Conclusion: vitamins for the skin
One clear skin through nutrition is absolutely possible: If blood sugar is kept stable, you regularly consume anti-inflammatory and gut-friendly foods and eliminate industrially processed products, trans fats and allergens such as cow's milk, soy and gluten from your diet, you can do it Skin appearance improve significantly. The diet for impure skin should primarily be anti-inflammatory and contain omega 3 fatty acids.
Sufficient water, foods with the micronutrients vitamin C, zinc, magnesium, selenium, iron, potassium, silicon, vitamin A, vitamin D, vitamin E and B vitamins help the body form beautiful skin from the inside.
When it comes to external skin care, you should pay attention to natural ingredients and good oils as well as aloe vera.
1 Bütikofer, Markus; Hopf, Zensi; Rutz, Guido; Stach, Silke and Grigoleit, Andrea (2015): Human Biology 1: Basics, Metabolism and Defense Systems. Zurich: Compendio Educational Media. p. 20.
2 Oberle, Sina (2021): Skin Clear - The book for clear skin after stopping the pill. Munich: Complete Media Verlag.