
Ines Schulz
Was sind Aminosäuren? Vorteile und Wirkung erklärt!

What are amino acids? Benefits and effects explained!

Proteins are made up of chains of different amino acids. These small building blocks are needed for countless metabolic processes in our body. They can be used as a direct source of energy, build enzymes, help the liver detoxify, support the immune system, sometimes serve as precursors to hormones and support the muscles, tissue and skin, hair and nails. These are just the most important examples, which provide a rough overview of the complex and far-reaching functions of amino acids.

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Ines Schulz
Warum Ruhe und Entspannung heilsam auf Körper und Psyche wirken

Why rest and relaxation have a healing effect on the body and mind

“Life is now. There was never a time when your life was not now, nor will it ever be.” (Eckhart Tolle) Living relaxed and balanced in the here and now, perceiving the moment and not constantly thinking about “if”, “then” and “what happens next” – which of us can actually do that today?

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Ines Schulz
Was ist das Leaky Gut Syndrom?

What is Leaky Gut Syndrome?

In leaky gut syndrome, the intestinal wall is no longer properly intact, which leads to inflammatory substances entering the organism. The disease often develops gradually through primary diseases. The actual protective mechanisms of the intestinal mucosa can no longer recognize what should be absorbed and what should not, which means that inflammatory substances enter the body. Fortunately, leaky gut can be cured through dietary adjustments - because the intestinal lining is constantly renewing itself.

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Ines Schulz
Neurotransmitter – Die Botenstoffe unseres Körpers

Neurotransmitters – our body’s messenger substances

Neurotransmitters – similar to hormones – trigger signals in our system. The transmission is based on electrical impulses. These ultimately directly or indirectly control our mood, well-being and feelings, performance, motivation and regeneration. They have a major influence on our metabolic processes and the nervous system, which is ultimately relevant for our health.

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