What exactly do we mean by mobility?

We are flexible when we can move freely and without restriction without putting strain on the body or individual muscle areas or feeling pain. Our flexibility depends on the range of motion of our muscles. Mobility is not equals flexibility; because mobility refers to the mobility of our joints and flexibility refers to the stretchability of our muscles.

Flexibility can be optimized through yoga or stretching, for example. To differentiate: mobility exercises stimulate the nervous system, muscles, joints and tendons in a dynamic way. The two are closely related.

Good mobility can support flexibility and vice versa

Many people still leave out mobility training and stretching exercises from their training plans and overlook the importance of these two important components. However, as we get older, it takes longer and longer for our muscles and our body to regenerate and our natural flexibility also decreases year after year. In some cases, even basic movements become difficult and painful. In this case, it is important to take long-term preventative measures and integrate targeted mobility training into the training plan.

Mobility: the basis

No matter how well trained you are or how good you look, none of this will do you much good if you cannot move without stress or pain and your body suffers as a result. Through mobility exercises we can increase our strength and performance, promote faster muscle regeneration and prevent injuries.

It also improves our overall posture and general well-being. We can significantly increase our range of motion, correct poor posture, and the training can even have a positive effect on certain forms of arthritis. Targeted mobility exercises are by no means a waste of 10 or 20 minutes of training time! They are just as important as lifting weights or doing 45 minutes of cardio, if not more so.

Whether you're 17, 35 or 70, you're never too old for mobility training! We humans are able to improve our mobility by incorporating a simple but effective program into our routines about three times a week. After just a short time, you'll notice that your training performance improves and you feel stronger all around.

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